Indian boffin creates camera with invisible flash that takes pics sans the glare
London: An Indian researcher along with a colleague has developed a camera that takes photos with an invisible flash of infrared and ultraviolet light points to a smarter way to take photos in the dark.
Dilip Krishnan and Rob Fergus at New York University made the camera to do away with intrusive regular flashes.
In order to make their 'dark flash' camera, the researchers modified a flashbulb to emit light over a wider range of frequencies and filter out visible light.
They also had to remove the filters which usually prevent a camera's silicon image sensor detecting IR and UV rays, reports New Scientist.
Krishnan and Fergus used colour information from a brief, flash-free photograph of the same scene taken quickly after the dark flash image to give the pictures more normal hues.
Krishnan and Fergus will present their work at the Siggraph conference in New Orleans in August.